

This is Hollywood icon and notorious womanizer Jack Nicholson’s 19-year-old daughter Lorraine on the set of her first major feature Soul Surfer. I’m not sure if the movie qualifies as horror, but it does revolve around teenage shark attack victim Bethany Hamilton, who lost an arm at the jaws of a 14-foot tiger shark in Hawaii.

Hamilton was 13 when the attack occurred. She recovered quickly and was back in the water just a few months after the ordeal. The news spun the story as an inspirational tale of courage and yada-yada, but I’m hoping the filmmakers will go for a more Jaws 4 “this-time-it’s-personal” vibe.


But, I digress. This post is to show photos of Jack’s slightly chubby daughter in a bikini. Word has it, however, that country music sensation Carrie Underwood has been cast in the film as well. Here’s hoping she plays a hard-bodied, topless lifeguard who has to rescue Hamilton from the shark and then give her mouth-to-mouth for about 10 minutes.

Until those pics are available, here’s a gallery featuring Lorraine Nicholson:

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