
Superhero Babes Featured in Provocative Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign!

Campanha cancro

The Associação da Luta Contra o Cancer (ALCC) in Mozambique, Africa is coming under-fire for using Ad agency DDB’s provocative artist renderings of DC and Marvel superheroes in their breast cancer awareness print campaign.

The ads, which DDB did not license from DC and Marvel (hence the omission of their faces), feature Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, Storm (pictured above), and She-Hulk examining their large perfect animated breasts for abnormalities.

The ads are being called sexist and juvenile, and the ALCC criticized for not using real Mozambican women in their campaign. But, supporters of the ads state that doing so would be like asking people to care about saving the tuna or any other ugly animal (or, so I imagine them stating).

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