
Get a Taste of Ashley Greene In ‘It Feeds’

If Twilight Saga alumna Ashley Greene is what you’re hungry for, we are pleased to whet your appetite with a trailer for Productivity Media Inc’s supernatural thriller It Feeds, releasing in theaters in April.

Greene plays a hot and clairvoyant shrink sought out by a young girl who desperately needs her help to stop the demonic entity eating her alive.

Greene, best known for playing Edward’s hot little adopted sister in the Twilight Saga, has starred in a string of failed frighteners, some understandably so and some not so much, including Joe Dante’s Burying the Ex with knockout costar Alexandria Daddario, Donkey Punch director Oliver Blackburn’s Kristy, psychological thriller The Immaculate Room, and The Apparition. She plays a hot nun in this year’s The Ritual.

Peep it:

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