Sony Pictures has released a trailer for its ridiculous romantic fantasy Passengers. Set on a luxury spacecraft, two beautiful people wake up 90-years into a 120-year journey to a new colony. They fall in love and rescue the 5000 passengers on board from a dangerous ship malfunction.
Morten Tyldum (Imitation Game) directs from a script by Jon Spaihts (Prometheus), starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt as romantic leads Aurora and Jim. While we didn’t expect Pandorum-like creatures, Passengers misses an opportunity by not casting one of its leads as fat and ugly.
Seriously, why isn’t Kevin James starring in this as Lawrence’s leading man? That would bring a whole new dynamic to the film. Two pretty people falling for each other as they save lives is too easy. Passengers is so far up beauty’s ass it even made Lawrence look like Scarlett Johansson.
Peep it:
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