Marvel has announced Disney star Olivia Holt as the female lead in its upcoming superhero series “Cloak and Dagger.” Holt plays Tandy “Dagger” Bowen, a hot young blonde with burgeoning powers allowing her to emit light daggers and a bad case of jungle fever for her partner in crime fighting Tyrone “Cloak” Johnson.
The series is a coming of age superhero drama with a heavy-handed message of racial unity between black folks and white – her power is light, his making things dark!
Synopsis reads:
Once a privileged little girl, Tandy Bowen watched as her family was destroyed by a disastrous storm that uprooted her life. Now in her late teens, an unexpected encounter with a boy named Tyrone sparks a life changing event.
Young Tyrone Johnson wanted nothing more than to prove he was fearless. But when everything he held close was taken away, life taught Tyrone to be afraid. Now older and more sheltered, Tyrone closes himself off. But when he meets a girl named Tandy his life changes forever.
Look for “Cloak and Dagger” on Freeform.
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