“Fear the Walking Dead,” the once highly anticipated spinoff of AMC’s brilliant “Walking Dead” series, limps its way back to our screens on Aug. 21 to complete its miserable second season. The series debuted in 2015 to a promising start, but is now plagued by its unlikable characters and dull storylines.
AMC has released a trailer for the show’s mid-season premiere and unfortunately we’re still stuck with the world’s most boring and annoying protagonists. One can only hope they meet their end and we get a new batch of survivors to cheer on.
But, who are we kidding? We’ll be watching. We have to. We love TWD universe. Besides, the show is going to Mexico and those hotel scenes look sick. We also want to know more about Salazar’s (Ruben Blades) background in Salvador. And, though she’s stupidly annoying as Alicia Clarke, Alycia Debnam-Carey (pictured) is nice to look at.
Peep it:
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