Hannah Kasulka has joined Fox’s small screen adaptation of William Blatty’s classic 1971 novel “The Exorcist.” Directed by Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) and written by Jeremy Slater (Lazarus Effect), the pilot introduces “two very different men” fighting to save a family from demonic possession.
Kasulka will play Casey, the shy and meek daughter of the Rance family who are all worried sibling Charlotte (Brianne Howey) may be under demonic possession after she begins to act strangely after a tragic accident.
Kasulka has starred in the teen satirical online series “Filthy Preppy Teen$” and FreeForm’s (formerly ABC Family) “The Fosters.” Horror fans will most likely recognize her from turns on “True Blood” as one of Sheriff Andy Bellefleur’s fairy daughters and an appearance in the sci-fi, time-hopping thriller Plus One.
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