Indian porn star Priya Rai is set to topline TomCat Films’ new supernatural thriller Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy. The 34-year-old star of Titty Sweat and Gag Holes also serves as an associate producer on the project.
Rai said in a statement:
This is a very exciting project to be working on, and I am so thrilled and honored to be starring in it. It’s going to be a lot of fun filming this. I love horror movies, and I can’t wait to get started.
Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy stars Rai as the reawakened spirit of Egyptian Goddess Isis. Cranky over being disturbed, she hunts down the Archeology students who disrupted her sleep one-by-one. The film will roll camera in Arizona later this month.
Lisa Palencia directs and co-produces with TomCat Films owner Ted Chalmers, who said he had Rai in mind for the role of Isis when he first conceived the movie.
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