
Shut Up and Watch Emily Blunt In ‘A Quiet Place 2’

Paramount Pictures has released a first trailer for its upcoming sequel to 2018’s monster hit A Quiet Place, which starred the film’s director John Krasinski and Emily Blunt as parents raising children in an apocalyptic future where the slightest sound brings death from the alien creatures that have overrun the earth.

Arriving in theaters March 20, the new film picks up after the events of the first and pits the surviving Abbott family members up against new threats while attempting to escape the dangers they know. It will also give us a look at Day One of the alien invasion—intense!

Peep it:


The very best in female nude acting is once again celebrated in Clatto’s esteemed list of The 5 Hottest Nude Acting Performances of 2019. There weren’t many nude roles for women this year in film, but streaming platforms and premium cable picked up the slack.

The impactful nude-acting performances of 2019 are as follow below. Feel free to comment, complain, and/or contribute in the comments. And, peep our lists for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014.


Like Mallika Sherawat (Hisss) and Priyanka Chopra (“Quantico”), Anya Chalotra is an Indian actress so stunningly hot it’s not surprising to see the enthusiasm surrounding her breakout role on the Netflix original series “The Witcher.”

How hot is Chalotra? She is playing feminine beauty personified as Yennefer, a hunchbacked ugly duckling turned ageless beauty and powerful sorceress. To convey the transformation properly, Chalotra delivers some impressive nude acting, even going as far as to having her body double canned after one scene to handle the boob and butt baring responsibilities herself!

Chalotra said:

I only used her for the first sex scene because I realized very quickly in that first sex scene that actually, I didn’t feel comfortable anyone else portraying Yennefer, because it’s still acting isn’t it?



Super cute Brittany Allen, star of the 2016 zombie thriller It Stains the Sands Red and 2017’s Jigsaw reboot, plays junkie mutant Popclaw in the Amazon original series “The Boys.” By the third episode, “Get Some,” we do just that when Allen first shows off some wicked shrimping skills on her superhero boyfriend’s foot and later rides her landlord’s face until his head explodes!

Okay, so Allen’s gorgeous nude ass only makes an appearance on a self portrait hanging on her apartment’s wall, but it is stunning and gets us primed for her deadly ass worship scene.


British model-turned-actress Cara Delevingn has stunned before with performances in Suicide Squad and Luc Besson’s Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, but it’s her nude turn as a troubled fairy on Amazon’s original series “Carnival Row” that will have hearts all a flutter.

Delevingn going nude with wings is a striking visual and a thrill for those who grew up wondering what was under Tinkerbell’s skirt!


German actress Ruby O. Fee made her U.S. feature film debut in Polar, an adaptation of the Dark Horse graphic novel about a retired hitman marked for death by the very crime boss he once served. Fee plays a sexy, oft-nude assassin, who utilizes her big juicy boobs and phat ass to drop his guard and make an attempt on his life.

Fee’s performance was intimate and emotionally powerful, but thoughtfully layered with jiggling, wiggling, bouncing, strutting, cooing, fucking, and flashing. Every breast and ass cheek bared exposed the damaged and weeping soul that is her character Sindy the assassin. Shame on the Oscars for overlooking Fee. Thankfully, we can enjoy her performance on Netflix everyday…sometimes twice a day.


The final season of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” may not have sat well with some fans of the show, but those ingrates can eat dragon dicks because this was the season that finally allowed for Maisie Williams’ nude debut on the show—the now 22-year-old joined the series as our beloved Arya Stark when she was 12.

Revealing a side glance of an impressively and surprisingly big, creamy boob along with a partial view of tush during a romp with newly anointed Lord Gendry Baratheon, William’s nudity was handled tastefully and shot regrettably dark. Nonetheless, this was new famous flesh 10-years in the making!


The 10 Sexiest Horror Films of 2019!

Happy New Year!!! It’s that time again when we set out to become better people and forget about the shameful shit we did all year long—like stroking to movies about beautiful women in peril!

The honorees for 2019 find a wide array of stunning starlets facing off against terrors such as space, sharks, assassins, cyborgs, sangria, husbands, hicks, and home invaders—all while looking good!

Comment, complain, and contribute below. Don’t forget to check out our lists for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,and 2018.


Long before it was popular to hate on white people, rocker-turned-director Rob Zombie was introducing some of the most vile and scary looking rednecks this side of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Among his most heinous hicks are those seen in his new sequel 3 From Hell: Baby Firefly (Sheri Moon Zombie), Otis Driftwood (Bill Moseley), and Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig)—the Firefly family of serial killers first seen in House of a 1000 Corpses and its sequel The Devil’s Rejects.

While it ain’t pretty, if you like naked hookers and vulnerable nude victims running for their lives, 3 From Hell is pretty spicy! And, unlike the violence, Mrs. Zombie is quite easy on the eyes.


Like Jessica Rabbit, Alita isn’t bad, she’s just drawn that way. This CGI’d spinner is the titular star of Alita: Battle Angel, a sci-fi actioner adapted from Yukito Kishiro’s manga by director Robert Rodriguez (Desperado) and Avatar producers James Cameron and Jon Landau.

Written by Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis (“Altered Carbon”), Alita is a lethal cyborg with big anime eyes and a tight teen body, found discarded in a dumpster by a scientist who inexplicably reboots her as a killing machine with a heart of gold and not a robotic sex doll with self-cleaning capabilities.


I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu is Meir Zarchi’s official sequel to his controversial 1978 rape/revenge thriller Day of the Woman—re-released as I Spit On Your Grave in 1980. Camille Keaton, now 67, reprises her role as rape-victim-turned-ball-breaker, Jennifer Hills, and Jamie Bernadette (4/20 Massacre) joins the film as her daughter Christy.

Set decades after Jennifer’s acquittal for the brutal murder of the four men who gang-raped her, Jen is now a bestselling non-fiction author and the target of the surviving members of her “victims” families—who abduct her and her daughter for more rapey fun! The Hill girls get it bad, with Christy enduring a brutal gangbang before running off naked into the woods.

Bernadette isn’t exactly Pornhub material—Sarah Butler in the I Spit On Your Grave reboot is by far the hottest in the movie series, but Bernadette’s plain-Jane looks add realism to the gritty assault, making it more strokeable…until she starts shooting dudes up the ass.


A dance troupe takes a bad trip when they consume Sangria laced with LSD. Soon, they experience paranoia, anger and, our standby emotion, lust! The film brings the nudity and some girl-on-girl action, including a lesbian romp between main attraction Sofia Boutella (The Mummy, Kingsman) and newcomer Sharleen Temple. The scene is nowhere near as hot as Boutella’s clam-smacker go with Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde because…it was with Charlize Theron!

Still, Boutella and Temple’s encounter is pretty sexy and much appreciated when having to put up with all the frivolous gay and tranny crap. Climax is definitely no Black Swan, which topped our list for 2010, but Boutella will have you busting some moves regardless.


Criminals imprisoned on a spacecraft heading for certain doom undergo sexual experiments at the hands of a degenerate ship doctor, played by milfy French actress Juliette Binoche—who gets it on with Mia Goth (Cure For Wellness) and goes fully nude in a kinky masturbation room called a Fuck Box!

In addition to the Binoche’s Fuck Box, there is rapey stuff, cum shots, lactation, big hairy bushes, and balls…but, don’t freak out. It’s all helmed by a female director (Claire Denis) so you can enjoy guilt free!


Sexy stepsisters Mia and Sasha, played by Sophie Nélisse (The Book Thief), and Corinne Foxx, daughter of actor Jamie Foxx, ditch a shark tour gifted to them by their stepdad to explore a sunken city in a secluded lagoon with their hot teen friends Alexa and Nicole, played by Asian stunner Brianne Ashleigh Tju (“Scream”) and Sistine Stallone—yup, Sly’s daughter.

47 Meters Down: Uncaged is a lot of fun and a solid sequel to the original surprise hit, starring Mandy Moore and Claire Holt as sisters abandoned at the bottom of the sea in a shark cage. With more bikini action and double the hot girls, it’s easy getting hooked.


Dennis Quaid plays a seemingly nice, old widower who sells his large, beautiful Napa Valley home to a young black couple only to pit them against one another while putting the moves on hot wife Meagan Good, who inadvertently encourages the grizzled goat by spilling out of her tops and wearing skintight outfits.

She’s also needy and welcomes the rugged old coot’s company while her husband is busy working to pay for her dream house. Good’s actions are increasingly frustrating as the tale plays out, but Good looks so, well…good! That she can thrill despite the film’s PG-13 rating is a notable testament to her hotness.


A hot milf professor, played by real British milf Claire Forlani of Meet Joe Black and CBS’s “Hawaii Five-O” reboot, ties and blindfolds herself in an Aspen hotel, waiting for her young lover to come in and Fifty Shade her. Unbeknownst to the old gal, her cop husband has gotten wind of their affair and has taken her lover hostage.

He goes to his wife’s room with the young stud to keep her from knowing the jig is up. He makes a cuckold out of the young punk whose been cuckolding him and uses the opportunity to grudge-fuck his wife. He also threatens to kill his wife and kid if he refuses to do as he says. Meanwhile, he starts calling his wife to convince her the young man she’s with is a serial killer.

The nudity blows in this film and that’s a shame as it would make things far more titillating, but it still ranks on this list because its deranged story is hot and Forlani is still smoking at 48.

02. ANNA

Writer, director, and producer Luc Besson is a master of the hot chicks kicking ass genre—think Milla Jovovich (The Fifth Element), Scarlett Johansson (Lucy), Cara Delevingne (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets)—and, now, he’s back with a sexy new ass-kicker: Russian supermodel Sasha Luss.

Luss, who played the hot, blue creature Princess Lïhio-Minaa in Besson’s Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, stars as Anna Poliatova, a woman who harbors a secret that will make her “one of the world’s most feared government assassins.” She also wears a lot of skimpy outfits and bangs out bad guys with more than her gun.

Anna is not horror, but getting shot in the face by a hot chick is still scary, right?


An adaptation of the Dark Horse graphic novel about a retired hitman marked for death, Polar doesn’t really fall into the horror/ sci-fi genres. So what’s it doing topping our list? Simple…it’s violent and every character is a sociopath. Our favorite being Sindy, an oft-nude, big-boobed/ big ass assassin, played by real big-boobed/ big ass German actress Ruby O. Fee.

There’s plenty of hotness in the film, but Fee steals the show with every second she’s on camera—most memorably during her fully nude seduction/ assassination scene with our hitman protagonist.


Emily Blunt Looks For a Quieter Place!

Paramount Pictures has released a short teaser for its upcoming sequel to 2018’s monster hit A Quiet Place, starring its actor/director John Krasinski and stunner Emily Blunt as parents raising children in an apocalyptic future where the slightest sound brings death from the alien creatures that have overrun the earth.

Arriving in theaters March 20, the new film picks up after the events of the first and pits the surviving Abbott family members up against new threats while they attempt to escape the dangers they know—fingers crossed it’s not monsters that make you kill yourself when they look at you!

Peep it:


Tune Into ‘The Sonata’ for Freya Tingley!

“Hemlock Grove” and “Once Upon a Time” starlet Freya Tingley stars in Screen Media Films’ new Gothic thriller The Sonata. Helmed by newcomer Andrew Desmond, the film co-stars the late Rutger Hauer (Blind Fury) in one of his final roles.

Tingley toplines The Sonata as a talented young musician who inherits her father’s (Hauer) spooky old mansion after he croaks under mysterious circumstances. There she discovers his last musical composition…believed to conjure up the devil.

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Time to Slime w/ ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’

Sony Pictures released this week a first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife, the long awaited and proper sequel in director Ivan Reitman’s beloved 80’s franchise. Arriving in theaters July 10, 2020, the film is set in a small Oklahoma town and picks up the story years after the events of Ghostbusters II.

Jason Reitman is at the helm with original Ghostbusters Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, and succubus Sigourney Weaver reprising their roles. New faces include Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon (“The Leftovers”), and Finn Wolfhard (“Stranger Things”).

Sitting this one out are failed 2016 Ghostbusters Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and director Paul Feig.

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Rachel Nichols Causes a ‘Breach’ In Our Pants!

Stunner Rachel Nichols (“Criminal Minds”) co-stars alongside Bruce Willis and Thomas Jane (Punisher) in Saban Films’ Breach, a space-set thriller from director John Suits (Scribbler) about a crew onboard an interstellar ship threatened by a terrifying cosmic evil.

Willis plays a seasoned crew member, who along with a young stowaway (Cody Kearsley), does battle with the sinister force. No word on what role Nichols plays, but we do know her character will have big, beautiful boobs.

Nichols movie creds include Summit Entertainment’s white-knuckle P2 thriller (her first starring role), Lionsgate’s adaptation of the James Patterson novel I, Alex Cross, and remakes of the Amityville Horror, Conan the Barbarian, and French slasher Inside.


Leggy Stunner Gal Gadot Ropes Us In For ‘Wonder Woman 1984’

Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment released today a first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984, the unexpectedly whimsical sequel to the 2017 blockbuster original, starring Gal Gadot as the Amazonian superhero stunner.

We watched the trailer on mute so not to distract from Gadot’s hotness, allowing us to fairly assess if this movie is worthy of anyone not a 13-year-old girl or a 40-something cat lady in a vagina beanie.

The good news is Gadot’s Wonder Woman costume remains the skimpiest of today’s prudish heroines. How that short skirt doesn’t reveal any Wonder buns with all that jumping and sliding and kicking is a regrettable mystery.

Wonder Woman 1984 is set in the 80s and pits our hero against The Cheetah (Kristen Wiig). Patty Jenkins is once again at the helm with Chris Pine back as Steve Trevor.

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Ana de la Reguera Is Ready to ‘Purge’

Ana de la Reguera is toplining the fifth chapter in Blumhouse’s politically-charged horror franchise The Purge. Everardo Gout (National Geographic’s “Mars”) is at the helm, working off a script from Purge creator James DeMonaco.

Slated to release in theaters July 10, 2020, the new Purge is set away from its metropolitan setting, but will continue to provide a satirical look at racial tensions and economic status…while showering us with violence, sweet, violence.

No word on what role Reguera plays, but she is joined on screen by Tenoch Huerta (“Narcos: Mexico”), Cassidy Freeman (“Smallville”), and Will Patton (Armageddon).

Fright fans may recognize de la Reguera from roles in “From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series,” Kevin Greutert’s creepy 2014 supernatural thriller Jessabelle, and 2011’s Cowboys & Aliens. She’ll next be seen in Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead for Netflix.


Sticky Sweet: Peep Scarlett Johansson Back As ‘Black Widow’

Marvel Studios released today a first trailer for Black Widow, a standalone superhero prequel depicting Natasha Romanoff’s rise from troubled, sexy Soviet spy to righteous, sexy Avenger. Scarlett Johansson reprises the role for Aussie director Cate Shortland (The Berlin Syndrome).

In theaters May 1, 2020, Black Widow is set prior to the events of 2012’s The Avengers. Co-stars include David Harbour (“Stranger Things”), O-T Fagbenle (“The Handmaid’s Tale”), Rachel Weisz (The Mummy), and Florence Pugh (Midsommar) as Black Widow nemesis-turned-ally and Black Widow successor Yelena Belova.

Trailer is a hoot and Johansson is smoking hot…though we still wish her outfit was less motocross and more this.

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