Our first look at Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One is finally here. Based on the bestselling novel by Ernest Cline, the adaptation is absolutely epic and finds Spielberg in his wheelhouse – so expect Jurassic Park thrills, E.T. heart, and A.I. ambition and none of that latter-day political/historical snooze-shit!
Set in 2045, the world has gone to shit and its population has taken refuge at OASIS, a virtual universe with real rewards created by an eccentric genius whose death triggers a global competition to find a digital Easter egg granting control of OASIS to its winner.
Tye Sheridan (Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse) plays hero Wade Watts, a young and impoverished 80s aficionado looking to win the game to keep its world accessible to everyone and away from greedy big business.
Movie and gaming icons populate OASIS and are fun to spot in the trailer (we spy with our virtual eye Iron Giant, Freddy Kruger, Duke Nukem, the Back to the Future Delorean, A-Team van, Stephen King’s Christine, and Joust ostrich!). Ready Player One arrives in theaters March 30, 2018.
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