

Jennifer Love Hewitt is the star of the CBS program “Ghost Whisperer,” a paranormal-themed show for the over 80 demographic. The perky actress was on the Lopez Tonight show on Tuesday night to promote her new book The Day I Killed Cupid. Decked out in a hot pink mini-dress, Hewitt discussed her big ass and the joys of vaginal bling.

Hewitt tells George Lopez:

After a breakup, a friend of mine Swarovski-crystalled my precious lady. It shined like a disco ball so I have a whole chapter in there on how women should vagazzle their vajayjays.

Check out the interview:

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  1. Yuck. I truly don’t believe in putting the pussy on a pedestal. Her snatch is just as smelly and bloody as everyone else’s. Maybe if she vagazzle’s her mouth hole I’d be more interested.

  2. Who cares about the natural things of the body! This girl has an ass that I find hot as hell! I think she is sexy, and beautiful! I would hit it in a heart beat! She could rap those long legs around me, and lock’em! I’m gonna be there for a while!

  3. “Jennifer Love Hewitt Has a Big Booty, Dates a Lot of Dudes, and Has Crystals in Her Vagina! ”

    U mean , Slut ?