Kate Bosworth is set to produce and star in the Netflix original series “The I-Land.” Despite being described as a “LOST” ripoff, the series holds promise in its show-runner Neil LaBute — controversial writer/director of underrated classics In the Company of Men, The Shape of Things, and Your Friends and Neighbors.
The official synopsis reads:
When ten people wake up on a treacherous island with no memory of who they are or how they got there, they set off on a trek to try to get back home. They soon discover this world is not as it seems. Faced with the island’s extreme psychological and physical challenges, they must rise to their better selves — or die as their worst ones.
In the hands of LaBute, those worst selves are sure to run rampant on that island! Co-starring alongside Bosworth is Latina stunner Natalie Martinez (“The Dome”) so lets hope thong bikinis are part of the wardrobe!
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