Jennifer Connelly is set to star in TNT’s series adaptation of 2013’s Snowpiercer, a sci-fi actioner set board a globe-spanning super train carrying what’s left of humanity after a man-induced catastrophe brings forth a devastating new ice age.
Joon-ho Bong (The Host) helmed the original film, based on the French graphic novel “Le Transperceneige,” about apocalypse survivors revolting against the caste system enforced on the train keeping them alive. The show’s premiere season will run for 10-episodes and explore “relevant issues while embarking on a wild, action-filled ride.”
Connelly is best known for her dramatic work, but the Academy Award winning stunner will soon be seen in Robert Rodriguez’s Alita: Battle Angel and is coming off Darren Aronofsky’s God awful Noah adaptation, which turned the Bible story into a Clash of the Titans clone. Notable genre creds include Dark Water, an adaptation of Hideo Nakata’s ghost film, and 20th Century Fox’s remake The Day the Earth Stood Still.
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