A trailer has gone online for The Midnight Man, a supernatural thriller helmed by Travis Z. (Cabin Fever) and starring fashion model-turned-actress Gabrielle Haugh (Jeepers Creepers 3), Lin Shaye (Insidious), and Robert Englund (Nightmare on Elm Street).
Haugh plays a hot granddaughter who conjures up an evil entity while playing a mysterious game she finds in her ailing grandmother’s (Shaye) attic with her doomed friends. The family doctor (Englund) knows the game’s history and warns her of the Midnight Man’s arrival.
Haugh, a former Forever 21 model, cut her acting teeth in Lifetime’s lesbian vampire dramedy “Mother, May I Sleep with Danger.” Her big screen debut came late this year with the eagerly anticipated, but extremely limited and much maligned, theatrical release of Jeepers Creepers 3.
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