

Rooney Mara may not be hot enough to carry on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo franchise, but you’d be hard pressed to find an actress who could sell you on sorrow like she can. The girl does mopey sad-puss like no other, which makes her perfect for a film about loss, loneliness, and unbearable grief.

A Ghost Story stars Mara as the woeful widow of Casey Affleck, who is abruptly ripped from her life and whose mournful spirit returns to their home to keep watch over her as time carries on, evaporating what remains of his humanity.

With no romantic pottery and/or Whoopi Goldberg character in sight, A Ghost Story looks like a brutally heart-wrenching work that will surely put terrible, disturbing thoughts in your head – assuming, of course, you have someone and aren’t just a miserable loner whose never known true love. In theaters July 7.

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