AMC’s “The Walking Dead” is returning to Halloween Horror Nights, the annual haunt at Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Orlando Resort. Named “Wolves Not Far,” the new maze is based on the show’s newly introduced band of sadistic and homicidal survivors, The Wolves.
The maze at Universal Studios Hollywood will be the longest maze constructed in the event’s history. Last year’s Terminus maze was absolutely enthralling so this is exciting news.
The skinny on the maze:
Guests will begin their journey at the Terminus safe-haven compound, where an unspeakable hunger has consumed the demented souls of those dwelling within.
As the chaos ensues, guests will encounter even greater atrocities as they stumble upon dismembered ‘W’ walkers, witness the horror of victims besieged by the living dead, and step onto the loading dock of the Del Arno Food warehouse to face hordes of ‘W’ walkers.
Peep it:
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