Rachael Taylor is set to join “Marvel’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones,” the studio’s new superhero series for Netflix. The 13-episode show stars Krysten Ritter as Jones, a retired costumed heroine whose post-traumatic stress disorder leads her to open a detective agency to aid other superheroes.
“Jessica Jones” is one of four new superhero shows Marvel is producing for Netflix, which include “Daredevil,” “Ironfist,” and “Luke Cage,” leading to a “Defenders” miniseries.
Taylor will play Jessica’s best friend Trish Walker, a radio talk show host and former model/kid actor fighting crime under the alias Hellcat. Genre fans will recognize Taylor from Transformers, The Darkest Hour, Shutter, the failed ABC series “666 Park Ave.,” and Greg Dark’s See No Evil.
She currently stars in Open Road’s sexually charged who-done-it The Loft.
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