Emily Blunt is set to star in Langley Park’s big screen adaptation of Rosamund Lupton’s bestselling crime novel Sisters. Set in London, the story finds Blunt playing Beatrice, a straitlaced woman investigating the death of her free-spirit sister, Tess, long after police and family have ruled the tragedy a suicide.
As Beatrice probes into the case, she discovers that Tess was involved in an illicit affair with a married man and had been impregnated with his baby. If that weren’t enough to raise red flags on her suicide, Tess was also the object of a stalker’s obsession and a participant in a risky medical experiment trial.
Blunt is coming off Rian Johnson’s acclaimed sci-fi actioner Looper. Her creds include Universal Pictures’ 2010 reboot of The Wolfman and 2011’s The Adjustment Bureau, its adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s short story “The Adjustment Team.” She’ll next be seen alongside Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow.
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