
Would You Buy the ‘Robocop’ Remake Trailer for a Dollar?


MGM and Sony Pictures have released the first trailer for Jose Padilha’s upcoming remake of Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 sci-fi classic Robocop, about a veteran police officer murdered by criminals and brought back to life by the OmniCorp corporation as a cyborg crime fighter.

Robocop stars Joel Kinnaman as Robocop Alex Murphy, Abbie Cornish as his wife, Gary Oldman as his creator, Sam Jackson as a media mogul and Michael Keaton as OmniCorp’s CEO.The film is slated for release on Feb. 7.

Fans of the original will get a kick out of seeing the awesome ED-209, but will most likely be disappointed to see Murphy get blown to smithereens by a car bomb (yawn) instead of slaughtered by street thugs. Kinnaman also lacks Peter Weller’s intensity, but Cornish and her tight sweater I’d buy for a dollar!

Peep it:

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