
Piper Perabo Goes Nude in ‘Looper’


Prepare to peep Piper’s pair-a-boobs… OK, that was awful. I now know what’s it like to write like Mr. Skin. But, what’s important here is the news coming out of the Toronto International Film Festival: Piper Perabo (“Covert Affairs,” Coyote Ugly) goes topless in director Rian Johnson’s third feature film Looper.

Looper takes place in a future where time travel can be purchased on the black market. and usually is by mobsters who send their marks 30-years into the past to be rubbed out by well-paid assassins known as Loopers.

Unfortunately, when the mob decides to “close the loop,” the Looper’s future persona is sent back in time to be killed by the Loop himself. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Dark Knight Rises) plays Looper Joe in the film. Bruce Willis (Expendables 2) is Joe Sr.

But, really, the film is about Perabo’s showgirl character, who must race against time to get topless. It hits theaters on Sept. 28.

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