“House of Lies” and “Heroes” starlet Dawn Olivieri has been cast in Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke’s new psycho-sexual thriller Plush. She joins a cast that includes Emily Browning (Sleeping Beauty), Xavier Samuel (Twilight Saga) and Cam Gigandet (Priest).
Plush centers on a psychologist (Gigandet) who uses his psychic abilities to free patients from their demons. Things complicate when he meets a pretty teen rock star (Browning) with similar powers. Olivieri plays Browning’s band manager.
Olivieri is best known for her role as tattooed clairvoyant Lydia on NBC’s “Heroes.” She currently plays oft naked, pill-popping management consultant Monica Talbot on Showtime’s “House of Lies.” The 31-year-old looker has also appeared on the shows “True Blood” and “Vampire Diaries.”
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