

Emily Browning, nude star of Sleeping Beauty and less nude star of Sucker Punch, is in negotiations to topline Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke’s new psychological thriller Plush. The film is currently being shopped at Cannes.

Plush centers on a psychologist who uses his psychic abilities to free patients from their demons. Things complicate when he meets a pretty teen (Browning) with similar powers. Hardwicke directs from a script she cowrote with Artie Nelson.

Browning got her start in movies at the age of eight. Her genre creds include Ghost Ship, Darkness Falls, Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Uninvited and the aforementioned must-sees Sucker Punch and Sleeping Beauty.

Browning, who is featured on Clatto’s list of the 20 Hottest Women Working in Horror Today, will next be seen in Chilean director Sebastian Silva’s new indie drug-thriller Magic, Magic.

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