IFC Midnight has released a teaser trailer for director Chris Peckover’s intense and timely feature film debut Undocumented. Written by Peckover and Joe Peterson, the sure-to-be controversial thriller follows a group of young filmmakers taken hostage by vigilante “patriots” in New Mexico and forced to document the torture and murder of the Mexican immigrants they catch crossing the border.
Undocumented stars Alona Tal (Night of the Living Dead: Origins 3-D), Scott Mechlowicz (Mean Creek), Kevin Weisman (”Alias”), Greg Serano (”Scoundrels”), Yancey Arias (Legion), Noah Segan (Chain Letter), and Nicholas Tucci (Choose). IFC Midnight will make the film available for viewing ON Demand nationwide on Sept. 14.
I caught an early screening of the film over a year ago and just really dug it. You can read my spoiler-free review here.
Peep it:
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