

Photos of sexy 19-year-old newcomer Jennifer Lawrence on the set of director Mathew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class have hit the web. The images feature Lawrence as young mutant Mystique—in hot black miniskirt and boots—taking a stroll in the rain with James McAvoy’s Professor Charles Xavier.

Actress Rose Byrne (28 Weeks Later) also pops up in the shots—in caramel boots—as Charles love interest Dr. Moira MacTaggert.

X-Men: First Class costars January Jones as Emma Frost, Michael Fassbender as Magneto, Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw, Nicholas Hoult as Beast, and Caleb Landry as Banshee.

Lawrence starred in this year’s award-winning indie-drama Winterbone and will headline A Bigger Boat’s upcoming thriller House at the End of the Street. McAvoy made Clatto’s list of 12 Heroes in Horror/Sci-fi That Won’tMake You Feel Like an Asshole.

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