Laura Vandervoort, best known as Supergirl on “Smallville” and alien-vistor Lisa on “V,” has been cast in “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane’s supernatural comedy—and feature film debut—Ted. The 26-year-old stunner joins a cast that includes Mark Wahlberg and fellow hotties Mila Kunis and Jessica Stroup.
Ted tells the tale of a man (Wahlberg) whose childhood Christmas wish for his teddy bear (MacFarlane) to come to life and be his best friend not only happens, but proves to be disastrous 25-years later when the bear has grown into a full-blown degenerate.
Vandervoort has been cast as Tanya, a gorgeous salesgirl who doesn’t know she’s gorgeous and works alongside Wahlberg’s character at a car rental service. Additional costars include Joel McHale (”Community”), Giovanni Ribisi (Avatar), and Patrick Warburton (Men in Black 2).
Universal Pictures plans to unleash Ted in theaters on July 13, 2012.
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