A trailer for genre-doomed starlet Eliza Dushku’s (“The Dollhouse”) new film Locked In has hit the web. The clip features Dushku being bitchy and sexing it up with Chronicles of Narnia star Ben Barnes.
Take a look:
Locked In (formerly entitled Valediction) stars Barnes as a married man involved with a sexy little hussy (Dushku) who may or may not have run his family off the road, causing his daughter to suffer a condition in which her mind remains conscious while her body is in a vegetative state.
The film is directed by some Suri Krishnamma person and costars Sarah Roemer (The Grudge 2), Johnny Whitworth (Pathology), and Brenda Fricker.
let me guess the big twist is that his daughter is not really the one in the coma, it’s him.