CBS Films has released the first official trailer for Beastly, its upcoming “Beauty and the Beast” re-imagining starring Vanessa Hudgens and British newcomer Alex Pettyfer.
Beastly is based on author Alex Flinn’s book of the same name and tells the story of an arrogant high schooler (Pettyfer) whose face is made to look like R&B artist Seal after he pisses off the school’s goth-chick who happens to be a witch. To break the spell, he must make nerdy-hipster classmate Lindy (Hudgens) fall in love with him before the year is through.
The film is directed by Daniel Barnz (Phoebe in Wonderland) and costars Neil Patrick Harris, May-Kate Olson, Peter Krause, Lisa Gay Hamilton, and Dakota Johnson (daughter to Don Johnson & Melanie Griffith). It arrives in theaters on July 30.
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