The Sam Raimi-produced gladiator-drama “Spartacus: Blood and Sand” premiered last night on the Starz network. Directed by Rick Jacobson (Bitch Slap), the episode, entitled “The Red Serpent,” delivered exactly what Starz’s marketing campaign had promised: bloody battles and breathtaking bods.
Though not of the caliber of HBO’s epic “Rome,” “Spartacus” appears to be unapologetic sexy, violent fun—a guilty pleasure for sure. (Update: Lucy Lawless does her first nude role in the second episode of the series. Click here to see and read about it).
(UPDATE: To see Lucy Lawless bathe with slave girls in episode 6, go here)
“The Red Serpent” introduces viewers to Spartacus (Andy Whitfield), a Thracian soldier who volunteers to serve the Roman Auxiliary in a battle against a common enemy of Thrace and Rome. After a successful blood-soaked showdown, Spartacus is ready to return to his ridiculously hot wife Sura (Erin Cummings).
Unfortunately, the Romans wish to keep Spartacus under their command. Sparty defies Commander Legatus Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker) and soon finds himself in the gladiator arena taking on four brutes in a vicious fight to the finish.
Those of you with penises will be happy to know that last night’s episode included a stroke-worthy full frontal nude scene from Viva Bianca, who plays Glaber’s wife Iliythia, and a generous helping of bare T&A from Cummings. There is also plenty of background actress boobage to be enjoyed as well.
“Spartacus: Blood and Sand” also stars Lucy Lawless, in her first-ever nude scenes, Lesley-Ann Brandt, John Hannah, Peter Mensah, Manu Bennett, Jai Courtney, Nick E. Tarabay, and Antonio Te Maioho.
Starz will run encore presentations of the premiere all weekend long. The network is also showing the episode for free on their website … so what are you still doing here?