
New ‘Lost’ Promo Spot Set to Air Tonight! See it Here!


ABC will air a one-minute promo spot for “Lost: Season 6” during tonight’s episode of “The Forgotten.” Set to a haunting rendition of “Amazing Grace” by country icon Willie Nelson, the clip culls footage from the Emmy award-winning series’ previous five seasons.

Because I know no one is watching “The Forgotten,” I have posted the promo here:

According to executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, ABC promos for the beloved sci-fi series will not feature any new footage so creative little mash-up spots like this are the most we can expect. Spain’s Cuatro network got the ball rolling last month with their own promo set to Radiohead’s “Everything In Its Right Place.” To see that clip, click here.


“Lost’s” sixth and final season begins on Feb. 2, 2010.

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